Discover the Blueprint for Trading Success Used by Two of the Top Traders in the World….


Join Tom Basso (the renowned money manager and market wizard), and Laurens Bensdorp (best seling author and master trader), – for Two Days 

When: Spring 2025
Where: USA

In this all-new seminar, 15 lucky attendees will get ALL of the buy and sell indicators Tom uses for his own portfolio, five of Laurens’ highest-grossing systems for trading in bull, bear and sideways markets (including a bear market and an inflation hedge!), and a Blueprint for Trading success in 2024 and beyond!


Cascais, Portugal

Dear Friends,

We’re in uncharted territory in 2024, with a combination of war and threats of war, rising inflation…political unrest and yet with an all weather approach where you combine different systems, designed for different market types, you know you are ahead of the game.

Whether the market goes up or down, or sideways you are prepared for it.
You might know Tom Basso:

from his books “The Frustrated Investor”, and his last best seller "The all weather Trader" or from his leadership on the board of the National Futures Association.

Tom used to manage more than 600 million dollars back in the 90's and is now Chairman of the board of Standpoint Multi Asset fund which manages more than a billion dollars.

He was also profiled as one of the world’s top traders in the best-selling book “The New Market Wizards” where he earned the nickname “Mr. Serenity”, for his revolutionary ideas about investment psychology. 
I know him as a friend, colleague and brilliant trader...and now you have the opportunity to get to know him as well, in an intimate two-day workshop I’m hosting with him.

- On Friday, the 11th, I’m going to share with you how to develop a high-performing, low-risk trading strategy built around your lifestyle, your experience, and your risk tolerance.

- That afternoon, Tom is going to review how to choose the right buy/sell engines for your portfolio out of the thousands of different ways to trade, so you can choose the perfect engine for your lifestyle and portfolio. He will share the indicators he uses. 

Friday night, we’ll have a champagne reception with a beautiful view

This will be a great venue for dinner and discussions with the rest of the group. 

You can bring a spouse or guest, and the Champagne, 3 course dinner and wine or whatever you like to drink, is on us!

The views are amazing!

- On Saturday morning, Tom will show you precisely which instruments you should trade (based on your personality, volume, goals and risk tolerance), as well as how to live a life of serenity, discipline and peace regardless of what’s happening with your portfolio (or the world)

On Saturday afternoon, I’m going to show you how to effectively diversify your strategy with 5 multiple, non-correlated systems, so you’ll never worry again about what direction the market is going.
The fifteen investors in attendance will also receive five trading systems (plus an inflation hedge!) with a combined, back-tested average annual return of over 28% since over the last 21 years (and with a third of the risk and drawdown of the S&P 500).

If you had been trading these five systems for the last 21 years, you would have a 28% CAGR and a 15% maximum draw down
Here is a simulation, for each of the last 21 years of some of the key performance indicators for these five systems and the inflation hedge combined. 

Notice that for 2022  you would be up while the S&P was down almost 20%.

Take a look at the horrendous times during 2008 or the covid crash, but also see how it has done so far this year;

The simulation continued to do what it was designed for:

To work in bull markets, side ways markets AND bear markets.

Here you see a table of the simulated returns since 2003. This is a combination of 5 systems, all designed for different market types.

Tom will show you precisely which instruments you should trade (based on your personality, volume, goals and risk tolerance), as well as how to live a life of serenity, discipline, and peace regardless of what’s happening with your portfolio (or the world).

Over lunch and breaks on both days, you will have the opportunity to ask Tom and me anything you want about our trading philosophy and experience, or about your personal goals and portfolio.

Attendees will also get a signed free hard copy of my latest book as well as a copy of Tom’s “Successful Traders Size Their Positions - Why and How.

Plus, for the first time ever, you’ll receive a “Blueprint for Trading Success’, revealing the A to Z of what you need to know to safely and consistently trade in as little as 30 minutes a day.

I’ve prepared this Blueprint for exactly these times of unique challenges in the marketplace, so you can trade without anxiety.

The meeting room we’ve arranged for is a luxurious pemthouse with beautiful Sea view and a balcony to enjoy the coffee breaks. 

There is only room for 15 attendees. 

Tom and I want it small so that everyone will feel comfortable sharing and asking questions.
An in-person seminar at a luxury hotel like this with two of the world’s most successful traders could easily be valued at $30,000...even $50,000. In fact, I normally charge $15,000 per day for one on one training.

But neither Tom nor I want to figure out just how much the market will ‘bear’. 

Instead, I want to find a handful of folks on my newsletter list who are ready and eager to transform their trading operations into the ranks of the world’s elite traders. 

The price of the two-day seminar is just $6,995. 

The two days include:
-All the talks by Tom and me, 
-our proven, back-tested strategies with all entry and exit rules 
-and the exact indicators that Tom uses for his personal trading,  
-lunch on both days, 
-and dinner on Friday night.
-Q&A time on Saturday afternoon, as long as you want

There are no ‘gotchas’. Whatever we can get through on Friday and Saturday is yours. We’ll hold nothing back.
Just so you know...I am sending an invitation out to thousands of folks who’ve bought my book or subscribed to my newsletter. Tom is sending an invitation out to his list as well and it will announced all over social media. 

So if you’ve been thinking about taking your trading to the next level, if you’ve always wanted to have an elite investor looking over your shoulder, designing a trading strategy that fits you, this is your opportunity.

So to recap, if you join us, you’ll get:
  • ​ A personal profile with a trading strategy built around your lifestyle, risk tolerance and goals
  • ​Clarity over who you are as a trader and instructions on how to build a stress-free trading operation 
  • ​A review of the thousands of buy/sell engines and which ones are best for you
  • ​The exact indicators Tom uses for his own trading
  • ​The benefits of combining multiple, non-correlated systems to diversify your strategy, so you can profit in any market, bull, sideways or bear
  • ​Five equity trading systems with a back-tested annual return of more than 28% since 2003 with a maximum drawdown of 15%
  • ​Instructions on sizing positions and why this is more important over the long run regardless of whether you’re buying or selling
  • ​How to create a portfolio strategy based on your frequency of trading, your capital, your risk tolerance and your personality
  • ​The mental side of trading, accountability, self-awareness, discipline and managing emotions
  • ​A strategy checklist
  • ​Free copies of Laurens’ and Tom’s latest books and tools
  • ​Several daily breaks and Q&A sessions
  • ​Lunch with Laurens and Tom on both days

Plus a fantastic dinner... paid for by yours truly.

All of this for just $6,995
If you’ve read this far and click on the ‘reserve’ button and get a message that says I’ve already filled the seminar, I apologize. Send me an email to and I will put you on the standby list, in the event someone has to cancel.

The seventeen of us are going to learn a great deal about trading, we’re going to make some new friends and we’re going to have a great time. I think it would be a bargain at twice the price!

I hope you will join us.

Be safe, and happy trading!

Laurens Bensdorp
Founder of Trading Mastery School
Founder of

International bestselling author of: